Žolt Kovač was born in Pančevo in 1975. After graduating Mathematical High School, studies Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, Department of Painting, where he receives his M.A. in 2002 and Doctor of Art degree in 2016. Attended School for History and Theory of Images at Center for Contemporary Art in Belgrede from 1999 to 2001. Had 29 solo exhibitions and over 100 group exhibitions in Serbia and abroad (Slovenia, Germany, Austria, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, France, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, USA, Russia, Macedonia, China). Works as a professor at Academy of Applied Technical Studies Belgrade. He is a Head of Department for Fine and Digital Arts. Co-founder and editor of online magazine for contemporary art Supervizuelna (www.supervizuelna.com). Played bass guitar in an alternative rock band Jarboli. Lives in Belgrade.